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 Which Spark Plugs to Buy?

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Which Spark Plugs to Buy? Empty
PostSubject: Which Spark Plugs to Buy?   Which Spark Plugs to Buy? I_icon_minitimeApril 14th 2010, 10:02 am

2006 SRT8 Charger
Just about to order spark plugs but need your guys expert opinion.
What do you think about NGK Iridium IX LZTR5AIX-13?
Set of 16 for 136.00 shipped?
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Which Spark Plugs to Buy? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Which Spark Plugs to Buy?   Which Spark Plugs to Buy? I_icon_minitimeApril 14th 2010, 10:12 am

yep seems $127 + shipping is the normal price of all the places I checked... quite a few people run these... also check you local autoparts store...they may have these they are common!
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PostSubject: Re: Which Spark Plugs to Buy?   Which Spark Plugs to Buy? I_icon_minitimeApril 14th 2010, 10:14 am

also they are pregapped....but check em EACH ONE, before you put em in just in case!!! thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Which Spark Plugs to Buy?   Which Spark Plugs to Buy? I_icon_minitime

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Which Spark Plugs to Buy?
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