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 The Time Has Come

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The Time Has Come Empty
PostSubject: The Time Has Come   The Time Has Come I_icon_minitimeJune 15th 2009, 8:10 am

I *might* be coming into a little extra money in the next month. So instead of doing the responsible thing and using it for something boring I want to spend it on my car.

The general consensus is to get a Predator and a 180 thermostat. I have been trying to read, on that other board, about what these two will do to my car but I am not 100% clear. So I wanted to see if any of you guys will explain it to me. Also what am I going to expect when I do it, because I would like to do more then just watch one of you guys install on my car for me.

Or if there are any other suggestions for where I should start I am still thinking. Rambling, still half asleep but thanks. 🐰
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The Time Has Come Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come   The Time Has Come I_icon_minitimeJune 15th 2009, 1:44 pm

for the predator it will change the air / fuel ratio and the timing and give you alittle more ummmph...

be much easier to show you how it works than explain it....

definetly get it!!

do you have a CAI yet.... or a catch can....or exhaust??
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The Time Has Come Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come   The Time Has Come I_icon_minitimeJune 15th 2009, 5:50 pm

Ok, you wanted ideas and now you got 'em Laughing
I say get the Predator though. Vic took my tune off of the Charger once and I could totally tell the difference when it was back to stock. You will like it.
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The Time Has Come Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come   The Time Has Come I_icon_minitimeJune 16th 2009, 12:05 am

I have done nothing at all to the car. Its still completely stock.
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The Time Has Come Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come   The Time Has Come I_icon_minitimeJune 16th 2009, 12:28 am

CAMM cost for a Predator is only $376 for the tuner and the cable kit.. Wink
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The Time Has Come Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come   The Time Has Come I_icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2009, 3:47 am

Fun factor on the predator is worth the price. You could also get some things to dress her up under the hood for the shows too.
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The Time Has Come Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come   The Time Has Come I_icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2009, 6:49 am

cai, diablo, and a 180 t-stat are the best way to start. will you get a huge hp increase, no. you will feel the difference in drive ability immediately! it's not always how much hp you have, but what that hp is doing for you and when. i know somebody that has an afe and a k&n for sale.
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PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come   The Time Has Come I_icon_minitime

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