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 B/A to Kicker

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CAMM Member

Location : Richton Park
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PostSubject: B/A to Kicker   B/A to Kicker I_icon_minitimeMarch 27th 2010, 7:16 pm

My 07 magnum came with the B/A system. A while ago I changed the amp to Kicker. I recently came across a complete Kicker system from a 300 srt-8 with the powered sub. any Ideas on hooking up the sub or do I need to trade for the magnum box or make one like it? It has the custom enclosure for the wheelwell of the 300. any ideas?
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Location : Chicago, IL
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PostSubject: Re: B/A to Kicker   B/A to Kicker I_icon_minitimeApril 21st 2010, 9:41 pm

Actually you can go and grab a cheap 10 sub box from somewhere. and mount all the stuff on the new box. seen it done. Most audio places can give you a premade box really cheap. Or build your own. Either way it's how you want it in the end.
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CAMM Member

Location : Richton Park
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PostSubject: Re: B/A to Kicker   B/A to Kicker I_icon_minitimeApril 21st 2010, 9:49 pm

I think I'm gonna just get rid of the box & amp & just get one from a sound shop
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PostSubject: Re: B/A to Kicker   B/A to Kicker I_icon_minitime

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