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 Got my Radar Detector today!!!

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CAMM All-Star

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Got my Radar Detector today!!! Empty
PostSubject: Got my Radar Detector today!!!   Got my Radar Detector today!!! I_icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2010, 3:30 pm

so i remember a little while back, radar detectors was a topic of discussion. I just recieved mine today from I did some shopping around and I found this one on for 148.33 which is $100 less than retail. I figured I would pass this great deal info on to you folks for anyone who is interested in getting a radar detector. This is a good one to get, and won't set you back $500 like some other ones out there. Its the Whistler XTR-695 and can be found here
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CAMM All-Star

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Got my Radar Detector today!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my Radar Detector today!!!   Got my Radar Detector today!!! I_icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2010, 7:28 pm

Thanks for the info!
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Mad Hatter
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Mad Hatter

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Got my Radar Detector today!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my Radar Detector today!!!   Got my Radar Detector today!!! I_icon_minitimeMarch 27th 2010, 8:42 am

Ok, now don't go driving with a false sense of security.

I say that because, some think by having 1 they can do whatever they like & it will let them know 100% when a cop is near.

It will help, but don't think of it as your 1st line of defense. That is still Reserved for your MIND!

Be careful out there.
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CAMM All-Star

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Got my Radar Detector today!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my Radar Detector today!!!   Got my Radar Detector today!!! I_icon_minitimeMarch 27th 2010, 12:28 pm

Mad Hatter wrote:
Ok, now don't go driving with a false sense of security.

I say that because, some think by having 1 they can do whatever they like & it will let them know 100% when a cop is near.

It will help, but don't think of it as your 1st line of defense. That is still Reserved for your MIND!

Be careful out there.

When you're doing 90 in a 65 and that laser alarm goes off, just go ahead and pull over 'cause you're busted. I don't know why they even put laser detectors in these things.
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Mad Hatter
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Mad Hatter

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Got my Radar Detector today!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my Radar Detector today!!!   Got my Radar Detector today!!! I_icon_minitimeMarch 27th 2010, 1:33 pm

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CAMM All-Star

Location : Niles, Illinois
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Got my Radar Detector today!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my Radar Detector today!!!   Got my Radar Detector today!!! I_icon_minitimeMarch 27th 2010, 3:16 pm

hahah they put the laser because sometimes, there is a chance you can catch the laser signature as the cop is using it on another car.... most of the time though... if you're going 90 in a 65, he's most likely gunning you with the laser, so yeah, it doesnt really help.... I use the radar as my second set of eyes on where the piggy patrol is... most cops in my area use moving radar, this way i just know there is one in the area and to watch out. I totally believe that trusting in your radar detector 100% is just plain ignorance, its just a safeguard to help alert you to the presence...
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Mad Hatter
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Mad Hatter

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Got my Radar Detector today!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my Radar Detector today!!!   Got my Radar Detector today!!! I_icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2010, 3:23 pm

There you go! Glad to hear that!
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Location : Chitown western burbs
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Got my Radar Detector today!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my Radar Detector today!!!   Got my Radar Detector today!!! I_icon_minitimeAugust 17th 2011, 4:18 am

Hey congrats on the new detector, just remember they only work well when there's traffic on the road to give you early warning...late night quick on is still a threat just sayin. I have the V1 and it has saved my ass more then once!
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Got my Radar Detector today!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my Radar Detector today!!!   Got my Radar Detector today!!! I_icon_minitime

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Got my Radar Detector today!!!
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