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 Charger SRT8 Production #'s

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Location : Lake in the Hills, IL.
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PostSubject: Charger SRT8 Production #'s   Charger SRT8 Production #'s I_icon_minitimeJanuary 21st 2010, 12:01 pm

Hey there , Since I cant drive the Beast(goin nuts). I need to do somethin, I figured I'd try to find out how many srt8 Chargers were produced per year and color. Wiki had a cool charger page with numbers but no srt8 numbers. I have a dodge dealer owner sending out emails to reps and plant in Canada to see. Ive tried the web with no solid numbers to be had. So we will see what he comes up with. Afterwards do I see if he want to be a member??????
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PostSubject: Re: Charger SRT8 Production #'s   Charger SRT8 Production #'s I_icon_minitimeJanuary 21st 2010, 12:06 pm

Sure, invite him in! Maybe as a vendor, too? If he's an dealership owner, it might be a real nice connection for all of us.

I'd like to see that list broken down by color, too.
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Charger SRT8 Production #'s
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