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 History of CAMM

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History of CAMM - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeApril 11th 2010, 7:09 pm

ghost wrote:
How it all started...

There were a few local asinus that would hang out regularly Wednesday nights. We all worked/lived in the general Fox Valley area. We all met on another forum and soon became pretty tight! We would go out have a few sodas, return home, and pillage the forum, LOL! It was a great beginning to what CAMM is now. Soon enough more of the locals that frequented the same site started hanging out on Wednesday nights. From Chicago, to Joliet, to Plainfield, to St. Chuck, to Bartlet, to Mchenry, to Montgomery, to Batavia...we all had our Mopars in common. The real bonding agent of the group though was a trip about a dozen of us took to Tennessee! One of the coolest rides in my car I have ever had, thank you all!

Upon return bonds were stronger than before and our antics had us multiplying. None of which fables are written in any kind of epic proportion, but they gave us the foundation of what we have today. We were given our own club forum on the other board to organize ourselves. It did what was intended. We were entering shows as a club. We were printing our own tee shirts, cards, and stickers. As a club all of us have wrenched on just about all of our cars in sort of capacity. When our welcome was worn else where, this new house was created.

We have seen our families grow. We have seen endeavors taken on by one another. We drink together, we laugh together and I am sure we will cry together. So what do we have today...?

CAMM, a fully self sufficient Mopar car club. Let there be no mistake that CAMM is a car club, but also it is a family!

Where are we @? We are everywhere, but we gather and hang our hats here

Everybody is welcome @ Nobody is required to be part of CAMM. To be on this forum you do not have to be a member of CAMM. This is where CAMM parks and will as long as we are together.

i just thought that i would quote myself. now that show season is upon us, let there be no doubt!
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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeApril 11th 2010, 8:08 pm

ghost wrote:
ghost wrote:
How it all started...

There were a few local asinus that would hang out regularly Wednesday nights. We all worked/lived in the general Fox Valley area. We all met on another forum and soon became pretty tight! We would go out have a few sodas, return home, and pillage the forum, LOL! It was a great beginning to what CAMM is now. Soon enough more of the locals that frequented the same site started hanging out on Wednesday nights. From Chicago, to Joliet, to Plainfield, to St. Chuck, to Bartlet, to Mchenry, to Montgomery, to Batavia...we all had our Mopars in common. The real bonding agent of the group though was a trip about a dozen of us took to Tennessee! One of the coolest rides in my car I have ever had, thank you all!

Upon return bonds were stronger than before and our antics had us multiplying. None of which fables are written in any kind of epic proportion, but they gave us the foundation of what we have today. We were given our own club forum on the other board to organize ourselves. It did what was intended. We were entering shows as a club. We were printing our own tee shirts, cards, and stickers. As a club all of us have wrenched on just about all of our cars in sort of capacity. When our welcome was worn else where, this new house was created.

We have seen our families grow. We have seen endeavors taken on by one another. We drink together, we laugh together and I am sure we will cry together. So what do we have today...?

CAMM, a fully self sufficient Mopar car club. Let there be no mistake that CAMM is a car club, but also it is a family!

Where are we @? We are everywhere, but we gather and hang our hats here

Everybody is welcome @ Nobody is required to be part of CAMM. To be on this forum you do not have to be a member of CAMM. This is where CAMM parks and will as long as we are together.

i just thought that i would quote myself. now that show season is upon us, let there be no doubt!

Just thought I would quote you quoting yourself.
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Founding Member
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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeApril 11th 2010, 8:39 pm

HiPwr wrote:
ghost wrote:
ghost wrote:
How it all started...

There were a few local asinus that would hang out regularly Wednesday nights. We all worked/lived in the general Fox Valley area. We all met on another forum and soon became pretty tight! We would go out have a few sodas, return home, and pillage the forum, LOL! It was a great beginning to what CAMM is now. Soon enough more of the locals that frequented the same site started hanging out on Wednesday nights. From Chicago, to Joliet, to Plainfield, to St. Chuck, to Bartlet, to Mchenry, to Montgomery, to Batavia...we all had our Mopars in common. The real bonding agent of the group though was a trip about a dozen of us took to Tennessee! One of the coolest rides in my car I have ever had, thank you all!

Upon return bonds were stronger than before and our antics had us multiplying. None of which fables are written in any kind of epic proportion, but they gave us the foundation of what we have today. We were given our own club forum on the other board to organize ourselves. It did what was intended. We were entering shows as a club. We were printing our own tee shirts, cards, and stickers. As a club all of us have wrenched on just about all of our cars in sort of capacity. When our welcome was worn else where, this new house was created.

We have seen our families grow. We have seen endeavors taken on by one another. We drink together, we laugh together and I am sure we will cry together. So what do we have today...?

CAMM, a fully self sufficient Mopar car club. Let there be no mistake that CAMM is a car club, but also it is a family!

Where are we @? We are everywhere, but we gather and hang our hats here

Everybody is welcome @ Nobody is required to be part of CAMM. To be on this forum you do not have to be a member of CAMM. This is where CAMM parks and will as long as we are together.

i just thought that i would quote myself. now that show season is upon us, let there be no doubt!

Just thought I would quote you quoting yourself.

thank you for quoting me quoting you F it, i lost track all ready
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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeApril 11th 2010, 10:48 pm

Ive never really thought of us as a car club....

we definetly arent a typical one then...

I dont think I will ever consider CAMM just a car club...

I feel we are above and beyond a car club,more like family,or at least damn good friends,looking for more to join us...

so I guess from now ON,if someone asks if we are...

I will state ... "some think we are...but I think we are more than that!"
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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeApril 11th 2010, 11:30 pm

We are for sure not just a car club, more then that.

A car club or automotive enthusiast community is a group of people who share a common interest in motor vehicles. Car clubs are typically organized by enthusiasts around type of vehicle (e.g. Corvette, Mustang), brand (e.g. Jeep), or similar interest (e.g. off-roading). Traditional car clubs were off-line organizations, but automotive on-line communities have flourished on the internet.

Traditional Car Clubs
Historically, car clubs refer to off-line entities, typically organized as non-profits and run by volunteers (who were most often elected). Some clubs were large enough to be run as a paid business with salaried employees; in the 1960s, some were sponsored by car dealers.

Many car clubs charge membership fees in exchange for benefits, such as publications and events. The publications typically contain photographs, messages from other members, service and parts advice, items and vehicles wanted and/or for sale, and historical material of interest to the membership. Car clubs often host gatherings (called "meets") which often also welcome interested non-members. Car clubs also may engage in other activities of various types, including races, cruising, shows, "mod" days when garage equipment and service tools are available for members to perform and assist each other with DIY work, or community service activities. Meets are basically a time for the club to hang out with one another and to talk about cars and do normal stuff, such as bowling, eating, movies, etc.

Many (if not most) traditional car clubs have now added online presences, although most of the content typically resides in a walled garden for members only. Most clubs have an online presence mainly through their car forums relevant to their car of interest. Some clubs also have their own website. They usually use the forums or their site to organize their meets and gatherings. For instance, before a big event, they would organize to see how many people are going, where to meet up, and how to caravan to their destination. Many car club members consider what they do, more than just a hobby, it is a lifestyle that they live by.

Internet Communities
The internet accelerated the growth of participation as online communities attracted large numbers of members. The internet encouraged and fostered the development of many clubs centered around specific vehicles, including niche makes and models.

Unlike traditional clubs, the content of most online communities are open to all for free. This has facilitated their growth, and made them a resource for potential owners or newbies. Larger online communities report registered members in the hundreds of thousands.

Internet communities typically provide features such as forums, content databases (which include vehicle specifications, driving characteristics, repair information, and car tuning advice), Instant messaging services, photo-sharing, and commercial services (such as for sale by owner listings, part supplier directories, and referrals to mechanics and car dealers).

Most automotive communities were founded by individual enthusiats/entrepreneurs. In 2006, Internet Brands began acquiring these types of websites and the company has become the largest operator of automotive communities in the world.

As with traditional car clubs, some internet automotive communities sponsor or operate off-line meets. For example, has been a sponsor and partner of the annual Corvette Cruise-in each year in Bowling Green, Kentucky, home of the Corvette manufacturing plant. Many of the leading internet communities feature active directories of regional meets.

In some countries, notably in Japan, some car clubs are run as a way of regulating street races and to race against people they know, therefore reducing the possibility of an accident; the best known being the Mid Night Club. Also clubs are used to enter team drifting contests.
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeApril 12th 2010, 1:08 am

Dartboy wrote:

I will state ... "some think we are...but I think we are more than that!"

Damn GOOD quote Chris! thumbsup Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeApril 12th 2010, 6:59 am

AR-15QUEEN wrote:
Dartboy wrote:

I will state ... "some think we are...but I think we are more than that!"

Damn GOOD quote Chris! thumbsup Very Happy
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Snappy Bitch
CAMM Member
Snappy Bitch

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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 2:21 pm


I'm feeling a bit nostalgic and was procrastinating on some work for Andrew's Birthday and realized that Camm started around Andrew's 1st birthday.... so found this thread and thought we should bump it do to it's history and CAMM anniversary!

Ghost I miss those days of the OG DONKS who started this site and miss hanging out after work on Wednesdays! We had some great nights. Miss the days of hanging out just having fun and BSing and enjoying everyones company. One day we will have to write some stories down or tell the CAMMERs all the fun we had....... (ok maybe not write it down could be incriminating!)

I know that CAMM is about the cars, but for alot of us its about the families and friends we have come to be! We are there for one another at all costs and that is the important thing to keep in mind. And to me CAMM is a FAMILY not a club (that's just for car shows and for the ones who just don't get it)

I'm happy to know all of you and you will all be in my heart forever!

Told ya I was feeling nostalgic.
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 2:32 pm

Snappy Bitch wrote:

I'm feeling a bit nostalgic and was procrastinating on some work for Andrew's Birthday and realized that Camm started around Andrew's 1st birthday.... so found this thread and thought we should bump it do to it's history and CAMM anniversary!

Ghost I miss those days of the OG DONKS who started this site and miss hanging out after work on Wednesdays! We had some great nights. Miss the days of hanging out just having fun and BSing and enjoying everyones company. One day we will have to write some stories down or tell the CAMMERs all the fun we had....... (ok maybe not write it down could be incriminating!)

I know that CAMM is about the cars, but for alot of us its about the families and friends we have come to be! We are there for one another at all costs and that is the important thing to keep in mind. And to me CAMM is a FAMILY not a club (that's just for car shows and for the ones who just don't get it)

I'm happy to know all of you and you will all be in my heart forever!

Told ya I was feeling nostalgic.

So not being an OG DONK myself, hearing the old stories is good...but why don't we just create some new, similar stories by going back to doing the activities that created the stories in the first place?
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Snappy Bitch
CAMM Member
Snappy Bitch

Location : Joliet, Illinois
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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 2:34 pm

Iguanaman wrote:
Snappy Bitch wrote:

I'm feeling a bit nostalgic and was procrastinating on some work for Andrew's Birthday and realized that Camm started around Andrew's 1st birthday.... so found this thread and thought we should bump it do to it's history and CAMM anniversary!

Ghost I miss those days of the OG DONKS who started this site and miss hanging out after work on Wednesdays! We had some great nights. Miss the days of hanging out just having fun and BSing and enjoying everyones company. One day we will have to write some stories down or tell the CAMMERs all the fun we had....... (ok maybe not write it down could be incriminating!)

I know that CAMM is about the cars, but for alot of us its about the families and friends we have come to be! We are there for one another at all costs and that is the important thing to keep in mind. And to me CAMM is a FAMILY not a club (that's just for car shows and for the ones who just don't get it)

I'm happy to know all of you and you will all be in my heart forever!

Told ya I was feeling nostalgic.

You think you can hang or keep up Dave!!!!!!

So not being an OG DONK myself, hearing the old stories is good...but why don't we just create some new, similar stories by going back to doing the activities that created the stories in the first place?
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Snappy Bitch
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Snappy Bitch

Location : Joliet, Illinois
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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 2:35 pm

You think you can hang or keep up Dave!!!!!!

sorry i fucked up that quote thingy!
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 2:43 pm

Snappy Bitch wrote:
You think you can hang or keep up Dave!!!!!!

Hang? I hope so.

Keep up? ABSOLUTELY!!! I hope so.
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Snappy Bitch
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Snappy Bitch

Location : Joliet, Illinois
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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 2:50 pm

OK since Chris n I will be Mommy and daddy free on Saturday and it is fitting to create or revamp some old DoNK moments in history, get ur big boy pants ready on saturday! drunken Donk yeah baby Rock On bootyshake
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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 2:51 pm

I'm older than most of you punk kids, so I'm not going to try and keep up.
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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 2:54 pm

Vic and I weren't really a part of the hangin' on Wednesday nite thing. We all met at Gatty. SO FUN! I never knew that going on vacation with a bunch of strangers that I'd come home with a great friends and a new family.

As for now, I think that we do lots of things together still but because now there are so many of us, it's hard to get so many people out together and to do something. Life is full of schedules.

I really hope that our members take some time this weekend to come out, even if it's just for an hour or two, get to know one another in person and really see how fun this group can be and what great people CAMM is made up of.

I love you guys! History of CAMM - Page 4 97743
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Snappy Bitch
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Snappy Bitch

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History of CAMM - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 2:55 pm

HiPwr wrote:
I'm older than most of you punk kids, so I'm not going to try and keep up.

Come on Eric I know u can!
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CAMM All-Star

Location : Ingleside
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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 2:57 pm

i am one of the youngest... bounce
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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 2:59 pm

irishrt5.7 wrote:
i am one of the youngest... bounce

I think you are confusing being juvenile with being young.
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 2:59 pm

lol... fuck off...
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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 3:01 pm

irishrt5.7 wrote:
lol... fuck off...

You should come around more, buddy! I need your set-ups!! pirat
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Snappy Bitch
CAMM Member
Snappy Bitch

Location : Joliet, Illinois
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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 3:02 pm

HiPwr wrote:
irishrt5.7 wrote:
i am one of the youngest... bounce

I think you are confusing being juvenile with being young.

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CAMM All-Star

Location : Ingleside
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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 3:03 pm

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History of CAMM - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 3:05 pm

irishrt5.7 wrote:
i am one of the youngest... History of CAMM - Page 4 Icon_bounce

I thought this meant that you still wear Pull-Ups. LOL History of CAMM - Page 4 Icon_jokercolor
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 3:05 pm

irishrt5.7 wrote:
i am one of the youngest... bounce

OK...then respect your elders and go get me a cold Modelo
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: History of CAMM   History of CAMM - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 3:06 pm

AlterEgo wrote:
irishrt5.7 wrote:
i am one of the youngest... History of CAMM - Page 4 Icon_bounce

I thought this meant that you still wear Pull-Ups. LOL History of CAMM - Page 4 Icon_jokercolor

no those are my shorts they are always falling off of
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