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 My HID CCFL LED HL are unstable HEEEEEEELP ---- JOEY?

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Illinois Chaos
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Illinois Chaos

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My HID CCFL LED HL are unstable HEEEEEEELP ---- JOEY? Empty
PostSubject: My HID CCFL LED HL are unstable HEEEEEEELP ---- JOEY?   My HID CCFL LED HL are unstable HEEEEEEELP ---- JOEY? I_icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2009, 12:40 pm

Been having troubles with my light's off and on---literally! Usually it's the left side that goes out. Last night, it was the rt. side. Always only the driving light's. The bright's always work and led's always and fog's as well. Also when I unlock my doors the break light's flash on/off twice. Now they won't flash either. Everything else on the tails work as normal. WTF! Could it be a bad ground? Is it the ballisters? Which pos component do you think is the culprit? (as far as the head light's).

Ok, now this AM I go to leave and the stupid head light is still on the fritz. After first light I drive it and ck it. Still a no go. Later on I drive it again, ck it an hour later ---the head light's are working. WTF? Tails still don't flash twice. Is it just too much for the system or what, I'm stumped.
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My HID CCFL LED HL are unstable HEEEEEEELP ---- JOEY? Empty
PostSubject: Re: My HID CCFL LED HL are unstable HEEEEEEELP ---- JOEY?   My HID CCFL LED HL are unstable HEEEEEEELP ---- JOEY? I_icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2009, 1:04 pm

Illinois Chaos wrote:
Been having troubles with my light's off and on---literally! Usually it's the left side that goes out. Last night, it was the rt. side. Always only the driving light's. The bright's always work and led's always and fog's as well. Also when I unlock my doors the break light's flash on/off twice. Now they won't flash either. Everything else on the tails work as normal. WTF! Could it be a bad ground? Is it the ballisters? Which pos component do you think is the culprit? (as far as the head light's).

Ok, now this AM I go to leave and the stupid head light is still on the fritz. After first light I drive it and ck it. Still a no go. Later on I drive it again, ck it an hour later ---the head light's are working. WTF? Tails still don't flash twice. Is it just too much for the system or what, I'm stumped.

I think the headlights are acting up because they are aftermarket and maybe are defected or something. Are your tails stock or aftermarket? It could also be a loose connection or something. I think Anthony has a loose connection in his car and all he does is shake the wire and the light comes on again.
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Illinois Chaos
CAMM All-Star
Illinois Chaos

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My HID CCFL LED HL are unstable HEEEEEEELP ---- JOEY? Empty
PostSubject: Re: My HID CCFL LED HL are unstable HEEEEEEELP ---- JOEY?   My HID CCFL LED HL are unstable HEEEEEEELP ---- JOEY? I_icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2009, 1:22 pm

The tails are new and this is just the first time they have done this. Everything as far as tail functionality is ok. They just quit flashing twice on the key fob unlock signal. That's just too weird given the problems with my headlight's. I will look into that after I get the headlight problem solved.

I took a look at some trouble shooting posts and it seems like to me the most likely problem is either low voltage, a short, an under rated inline fuse, bad starter or weak ballasts---fuck I should just junk 'em and start fresh with new. What do you think? It never fails the same way or for the same reason. Does this make any sense? It seems like a whole bunch of components are junk on these things or maybe there is just one thing causing multiple sporatic failures. I just don't know what. UGH! I DO know that I'm scared to drive anywhere at night because those fuckers are posessed lmao!
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My HID CCFL LED HL are unstable HEEEEEEELP ---- JOEY? Empty
PostSubject: Re: My HID CCFL LED HL are unstable HEEEEEEELP ---- JOEY?   My HID CCFL LED HL are unstable HEEEEEEELP ---- JOEY? I_icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2009, 1:26 pm

Yeah you should try getting OEM headlights. You can get them for under $200 used off ebay. IMO OEM is the way to go as far as headlights and taillights go just for that reason. Try turning your headlighs on and wiggling the wires going into them and see if it makes them flicker or anything.
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My HID CCFL LED HL are unstable HEEEEEEELP ---- JOEY? Empty
PostSubject: Re: My HID CCFL LED HL are unstable HEEEEEEELP ---- JOEY?   My HID CCFL LED HL are unstable HEEEEEEELP ---- JOEY? I_icon_minitime

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